The WWE is body-slamming its way into AJC!

By which, of course, we mean the 2025 Watershed Wide Event! (Sorry to disappoint some of you.) This is the Johnson Creek Watershed Council’s biggest event of the year, with eight simultaneous work parties along Johnson Creek, including at our own Tideman Johnson Park!

Volunteers will be planting native plants that provide food and habitat for the wildlife who live along the creek, and some worksites will also involve weeding invasive plants and litter cleanup. No experience necessary; every site provides tools and training. And when work wraps up around noon, you’ll get a free lunch delivered to your site!

The WWE is coming up soon on Saturday, March 1. Registration is open and sites do fill up, so go here to view the latest details and options, and sign up while you can. Let’s suplex habitat-loss right into the turnbuckle, aw yeah!