We will be meeting Nov. 15th, 2023 at 8:00 PM to approve spending on additional fundraising items to be sold at the upcoming winter solstice event.
- Discuss and vote on spending money for ordering fundraising merchandise
vote on spending:
-large flags Large flags: 10 ($111.60)
-Beanies Beanies: 24 ($340.40)
Or Beanies: 12 ($219.56)
-Sweatshirts/hoodies: 20 pullover hoodies* ($340.00)
Adjournment: The next regular meeting is Monday, Nov 27nd at 6:30 PM
December Potluck
Thank you for attending! – 8:00
Meeting Location:
ZOOM conference call: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88968122811?pwd=b2VWd01VbEFuRE53eE1ITzBVdFRJUT09
Chair: Chris Holle-Bailey, chrisinardenwald@gmail.com