Milwaukie NDA Friday Update – July 2, 2020

The Ardenwald-Johnson Creek Neighborhood Association will be relaying the City of Milwaukie NDA Friday Update on during the COVID-19 coranavirus pandemic.

Hello neighborhood leaders and friends,

This week’s update is coming out one day early this week since the city observes Independence Day tomorrow and city offices are closed. Have a great holiday weekend!

What is the NDA Friday Update? This update is meant to provide timely information one time per week to community leaders like you who can then share this information with fellow board members and neighbors. The updates are also a good place to share information with other NDA leaders, so please feel free to submit information to include on future Friday Updates.  ?

  1. Local Access Closure in the Island Station Neighborhood – Begins today (July 2) and will be in place until August 31
  2. July 3rd & 4th Holiday Closures – City offices closed Friday, July 3. Library services available Friday, July 3, but will not be available July 4.
  3. Rainbow Lane Community Art Project (Lewelling Neighborhood) Welcomes Your Participation – First meeting set for July 8 (6:30-8 p.m.). Sign up to participate today!
  4. Home Ave. Safe Access for Everyone (SAFE) Project Seeks Your Feedback – Take a short survey by July 31st to share your thoughts.
  5. Milwaukie Annual Water Quality Report Now Available – Copies have been mailed and it is also available online.
  6. Sustainability Resources for Carbon and Cost Savings – A message from the city’s Climate Action and Sustainability Coordinator
  7. NCPRD Summer Camps – Registration is now open
  8. NCPRD Reopening & Program Input Survey – Please take a few minutes and share your thoughts about parks with NCPRD.
  9. City Planning 101 – Virtual Class Wed., July 29 (6:30-8 p.m.) – Learn from Milwaukie planners about what city planning is, what a city planner does, how things get planned and built, and much more!
  10. Ways to Help During COVID-19 – DONATE – Map of Organizations Collecting and Distributing Resources to the Community & Donation Tips
  11. Candidate Information Packet for Nov. 3 General Election Has Been Revised
  12. Grab and Go Free Lunch Sacks Provided by North Clackamas Schools Meals Program – Every Thursday from July 2 to August 20 (Ages 0-18) 

Ongoing Friday Update Topics:

  1. Check the City’s Events Calendar Online on a Regular Basis for the Latest Information about Upcoming Events, Meetings, and Other Opportunities! – Just go to the city’s homepage to find the calendar at
  2. Community Development Update – An update will be sent a future edition of the Friday Update. 
  1. Local Access Closure in the Island Station Neighborhood – Begins today (July 2) and will be in place until August 31

The city is limiting vehicle traffic in the Island Station neighborhood for the months of July and August. COVID-19 travel restrictions and closures have led more people to recreate closer to home, resulting in more visitors to Spring Park and Elk Rock Island. More vehicles in search of parking increasingly conflict with people walking or biking to the park from adjacent regional trails.

The local access closure is in place from Thursday, July 2 through Aug. 31. The boundaries of the closure are SE Bluebird Street to the north, 22nd Avenue to the west, 19th Avenue to the east and Sparrow Street to the south. The city is implementing the closure to allow enough space for those biking and walking to maintain social distance and avoid conflicts with vehicles during the busy summer months.

To accommodate this change, 27 parking spaces are available at the former Amadeus Manor parking lot on SE Sparrow Street for park visitors. An ADA accessible parking spot will be available within the closure area adjacent to Spring Park. Park visitors can enter the closure area to access the ADA parking spot, if needed. Overnight parking and camping in the lot are prohibited at all times.

A few things to keep in mind about this local access closure:

  • Anyone that lives within the closure can drive around the signs to get to their homes.
  • Visitors can drive around the signs if they are dropping someone off at the park or need to park in the ADA space.

For more information, contact Kelly Brooks, assistant city manager, at

  • July 3rd & 4th Holiday Closures – City offices closed Friday, July 3. Library services available Friday, July 3, but will not be available July 4.

July 3:

  • In observance of Independence Day, City Hall (10722 SE Main St.) and the Johnson Creek Building (6101 SE Johnson Creek Blvd.) are closed. Services at the Ledding Library currently available will take place on Friday, July 3, but not be available on Saturday, July 4, 2020. Check out the services currently available at the Ledding Library at

July 4:

  • Services at the Ledding Library currently available will not be available on Saturday, July 4.
  • Rainbow Lane Community Art Project (Lewelling Neighborhood) Welcomes Your Participation – First meeting set for July 8 (6:30-8 p.m.). Sign up to participate today!

Community members in the Lewelling Neighborhood are coming together to make Rainbow Lane a bit more colorful by adding a street intersection painting that celebrates diversity, equity, and inclusion. The July Lewelling NDA meeting will focus entirely on this project and you are invited to join in on the discussion. 

Learn more about the project and get on the contact list by completing an interest form at

Visit the calendar event on the city website to find the information you need to join the meeting on Zoom at

  • Home Ave. Safe Access for Everyone (SAFE) Project Seeks Your Feedback – Take a short survey by July 31st to share your thoughts.

We’d like to hear your thoughts about the upcoming Home Avenue Safe Access for Everyone (SAFE) project that’s planning to build a continuous sidewalk between Railroad Avenue and King Road on one side of the road (side is currently TBD).

To share your feedback, please take a short survey at by July 31.

To learn more about the Home Ave. SAFE Project visit

  • Milwaukie Annual Water Quality Report Now Available

Thirsty to learn more about your drinking water? Milwaukie’s annual water quality report was recently mailed to the community or it can be viewed online at

The city provides information about Milwaukie’s drinking water each year, which includes detailed testing results, source information, upcoming water projects and more!

  • Sustainability Resources for Carbon and Cost Savings – A message from the city’s Climate Action and Sustainability Coordinator

Hello Milwaukie!

I’m sure we’ve all noticed the impacts that working from home has had on our water, electricity, and gas bills (and groceries…so many groceries)! Financial savings are a happy side-effect of many sustainability actions, so I wanted to share some resources that can help you save on carbon and costs this summer!

Energy (Electricity and Fossil-Fuel ‘Natural’ Gas)

Both electricity and natural gas (which is a fossil fuel with significant environmental impacts) have associated carbon emissions, unless a carbon-free electricity source is used to power your home. By taking steps to conserve energy through choosing energy efficient appliances, assets, and behaviors, you can reduce the amount of energy needed to power your home and see savings on your power bills!

The city is working to decarbonize the electrical grid by transitioning to carbon-free electricity generation, like solar and wind. While this is a longer transition to reach out 2030 climate goals, you can take action today by choosing to participate in PGE’s Green Source renewable product for carbon-neutral electricity! Green Source costs $0.008 per kWh – about $6-8 dollars a month for the average household. You can also explore rooftop solar or community solar for local generation options!


Milwaukie is fortunate to have a clean, secure source of water for our residents. Even so, everyone is encouraged to conserve water, especially over the summer! Follow these best practices from the Regional Water Providers Consortium (RWPC) to use less water and pay less on your water bill:


Smaller grocery trips with careful planning of meals can help keep food costs down. Here are some quick resources to keep in mind when trying to lower your grocery bill while preventing costly food waste!

These are just a few ideas to get everyone started on a more sustainable and lower-cost future. Have ideas, tips or tricks that you’d like to share? Need help finding ways to conserve resources? Let me know! Email me at or call me at 503-786-7668.



Climate Action and Sustainability Coordinator

Direct: 503.786.7668 Cell: 503.522.1049
City of Milwaukie
6101 SE Johnson Creek Blvd • Milwaukie, OR 97206

City offices are working remotely during this time. I am still available via my direct line above. Thank you!

  • NCPRD Summer Camps – Registration is now open

Summer Camp registration opened on Monday, June 15, at 8:00 a.m. for NCPRD residents and on Tuesday, June 30, for non-residents.

NCPRD offers a wide variety of affordable and engaging summer camps to keep children of all ages active, learning and having fun all summer long. Learn more about each camp by clicking the drop-down buttons below.


NEW! Early childcare from 8-9 a.m. is available on select morning camps for an additional fee. Numerous full day camps are also available.

More info at

  • NCPRD Reopening & Program Input Survey – Please take a few minutes and share your thoughts about parks with NCPRD.

COVID-19 has changed the way we live, connect and play. That’s why North Clackamas Parks and Recreation District needs your input to help us shape our programs moving forward and to better serve our community. By taking our survey, you will give us an understanding of what activities, classes and resources would be most valuable and beneficial to you during these unprecedented times and the days that follow. Your feedback matters, so please take time to share it with us.

Take the survey.

Encuesta de comentarios sobre la reapertura de los programas

La COVID-19 ha cambiado la forma en que vivimos, nos conectamos y jugamos. Por eso, el Distrito de Parques y Recreación de la zona norte de Clackamas (NCPRD, por sus siglas en inglés) necesita sus comentarios para ayudarnos a darles forma a nuestros programas de aquí en adelante y poder atender mejor a nuestra comunidad. Al contestar nuestra encuesta, nos ayudará a entender mejor qué actividades, clases y recursos serían más valiosos y útiles para usted durante estos tiempos sin precedentes y los días por venir. Sus comentarios son importantes, así que, por favor, tómese un momento para compartirlos con nosotros.

Tómese un momento para completar esta encuesta.

  • City Planning 101 – Virtual Class Wed., July 29 (6:30-8 p.m.) – Learn from Milwaukie planners about what city planning is, what a city planner does, how things get planned and built, and much more!

What is city planning? What does a city planner do? How do things get planned and built in the city? What could I do on my property? How do I even start to find out?  

If those are questions you’d like to know, join our Planning 101 session with your city planners from the City of Milwaukie!  

Where will this session be held?

Online via Zoom – Zoom link will be posted on the web at

We intend this session to be interactive, so come ready with questions and an eagerness to learn.  

We especially encourage younger people who are learning about city government functions and those who would like a refresher. All ages and education levels are welcome! 

What if I can’t make this session?

We will record the Zoom session and upload it to the city’s YouTube page where you can watch it at your own time.

Questions? Contact the Planning Department at or 503-786-7630.

  1. Ways to Help During COVID-19 – DONATE – Map of Organizations Collecting and Distributing Resources to the Community & Donation Tips

The impacts of COVID-19 have many county residents and families experiencing hardship, leading to a range of needs for both food and non-food items such as hygiene, cleaning, and childcare supplies.

In response to the growing requests and needs in our community, the Clackamas County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) hopes to leverage organizations already managing donation collection and distribution through a coordinated system that will help meet the needs of our most vulnerable populations.

The organizations listed on this map are currently collecting and distributing resources to the community in response to COVID-19. These organizations need help to meet the needs of the community. Your donation to the organization of your choice will increase the ability of the organization to help your community.

Learn more by visiting

  1. Candidate Information Packet for Nov. 3 General Election Has Been Revised

The candidate information packet for the November 3, 2020, general election has been revised and is now available online, see link below. The revisions include the removal of a broken web-link and the addition of a candidate resource reference. If you have any questions, please contact the City Elections Officer at or at 503-786-7502.

  1. Grab and Go Free Lunch Sacks Provided by North Clackamas Schools Meals Program – Every Thursday from July 2 to August 20 (Ages 0-18) 

Grab and Go free lunch sacks with activity bags for kids will be provided by North Clackamas Schools Meals Program every Thursday from July 2nd to August 20th for ages 0 to 18 outside the Ledding Library.

If the library is not a convenient location for anyone to participate in this program, you can find other summer meal sites by visiting the North Clackamas Schools website at

Ongoing Friday Update Topics:

  1. Check the City’s Events Calendar Online on a Regular Basis for the Latest Information about Upcoming Events, Meetings, and Other Opportunities! – Just go to the city’s homepage to find the calendar at
  1. Community Development Update – An update will be sent a future edition of the Friday Update. 

Keep up with projects around town, the Comprehensive Plan Update, and more at the links below.


Community Development:


  • Visit the Planning homepage at to find links to the Community Vision, Comprehensive Plan Update, Preapplication Conference Reports, Submitted Applications and Public Notices, Planning Department FAQs, Resources for Development Review, and What’s My Zoning?


  • Visit the Engineering homepage at to find links to Safe Access For Everyone (SAFE), Street Surface Maintenance Program (SSMP), Asphalt Pavement Overlay, South Downtown Improvements, and more.

Note for reader: This is an informational email that is sent to Milwaukie’s Neighborhood District Association (NDA) leaders and other interested parties each Friday.  The content of this email is prepared by the Community Programs Coordinator at the City of Milwaukie and is meant to inform NDA leaders who can then share this information with their neighborhood.  Some information contained within may not be sponsored or supported by the City of Milwaukie, but may impact the city’s neighborhoods and residents, which is the reason it is included in this update.


Community Engagement Coordinator
o: 503.786.7568
City of Milwaukie
10722 SE Main St • Milwaukie, OR 97222