
If you live, work, or own property in Ardenwald-Johnson Creek, you are already part of this Neighborhood Association! So why not attend a neighborhood meeting?

Whether you want to hear the monthly police report, have a concern to raise, want to pose a question, have an idea for neighborhood enrichment, want to help out with a Board position, or are just curious to listen and learn, you are more than welcome. Regular, special, emergency, and board neighborhood meetings are open to the public.

When and Where

Regular neighborhood meetings happen on the fourth Monday of each month, except July and August (when we take a break for the summer) and December (when we hold the annual Yuletide Potluck in lieu of the regular meeting). When the fourth Monday is a holiday, that month’s meeting might be moved to another date.

Monthly meetings are typically held at the Milwaukie Cafe & Bottle Shop (map it: 9401 SE 32nd Ave.) and online via Zoom, 6:30pm to 8:00pm.

Board elections for all positions are held at the regular May neighborhood meeting.

Getting on the Meeting Agenda

To request a meeting agenda item, please contact the Neighborhood Association’s Chair at least ten (10) days before the meeting date.


Ardenwald-Johnson Creek NDA Bylaws – Portland (PDF)

Ardenwald-Johnson Creek NDA Bylaws – Milwaukie (PDF)

Neighborhood Map

Ardenwald-Johnson Creek NDA Boundary Map (City of Portland Office of Neighborhood Involvement, July 2009)

City of Milwaukie Neighborhood Map (PDF)

Past Meeting Minutes and Agendas

Past NDA meeting minutes and agendas are public records and are available for public viewing. You can find them on the Meeting Minutes and Agendas page.