From Marianne Colgrove, Friends of Tideman Johnson
Hello all Friends of Tideman Johnson!
I hope you enjoyed a happy, restful Thanksgiving with family and friends (and were not affected by any bomb cyclones).
This Saturday, December 7th, will be our last restoration event of 2019. As we did last month, we’ll be putting the major hurt on some invasive blackberry, clematis, and ivy in area on both sides of the boardwalk trail. Happily, there is no threat of snow!
Saturday December 7, 9am – noon
Lots of tools, snacks, great people, good times!
Meet up at the boardwalk
From at SE 37 & Tenino, south of SE Crystal Springs Blvd, walk down the hill to the boardwalk. Or from the SE 45th trailhead, bike or walk the Springwater Corridor Trail west to Tideman Johnson Park. Follow the path to the left to the boardwalk.
There is no work party in January, so mark your calendars for the first event of 2020 – Saturday February 1st.
Thanks to all of you for helping to restore native habitat in Tideman Johnson Natural Area.