Regular Meeting Agenda for Mon., Feb 27th, 2022

Meeting Location will be in person at the Milwaukie Cafe and Bottle Shop and on zoom starting at 6:30 p.m. (PT). Please see below for Zoom details. Chair: Matt Rinker, (971) 336-8663, *Zoom Conference …

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Regular Meeting Agenda for Mon., Nov 28th, 2022

Here is the Ardenwald-Johnson Creek Neighborhood Association regular meeting agenda for Monday, Nov 28th, 2022. Meeting Location will be in person at the Milwaukie Cafe and Bottle Shop and on zoom starting at 6:30 p.m. …

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Ardenwald Flag Contest

We’re excited to announce the kickoff of our neighborhood flag contest. If you’re an AJC resident and would like to participate as a flag designer and/or as a voter, see the details below. To enter …

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Ardenwald – Johnson Creek Flag Design Contest

Q: Wait—what’s going on? A: The Ardenwald – Johnson Creek Neighborhood Association (AJCNA) is holding a contest to design a flag for the Ardenwald-JC neighborhood! Q: Why? Since when do neighborhoods have flags? A: They …

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Benefit for Balfour Park Plant Sale, May 22nd

Please come support your newest neighborhood park at the Ardenwald-Johnson Creek Neighborhood Plant Sale on Sunday, May22nd from 11:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. at 3012 and 3026 SE Balfour Street. In partnership with the Milwaukie Parks …

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