Light Rail Online Open House

Trimet is hosting an online open house for the Portland-Milwaukie light rail project at from February 20 to March 9. Visitors click on the link for each station to obtain fact sheets, graphics, and …

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Tacoma Street Station Creek Committee update

The Creek Committee for the Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail Tacoma Street Station/Johnson Creek issued the latest update newsletter.  The update is available for download (PDF, 8MB).

Light rail meeting location and time correction

The City of Milwaukie’s Portland-Milwaukie light rail meeting on Monday, Sept. 19, will be at the Public Safety Building at 3200 S.E. Harrison St. in Milwaukie, starting at 6:00 p.m. According to City of Milwaukie, …

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Light rail design workshop Nov. 15

The Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail Project design workshop is Monday, November 15, 2010, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., at the Public Safety Building, 3200 S.E. Harrison St., Milwaukie.   More details…

Light rail project funding changes calls for special meeting

MILWAUKIE, Ore.-A special city council meeting will be held Tuesday night to discuss the latest funding decision for the proposed Portland to Milwaukie Light Rail project. The Milwaukie City Council plans on hearing TriMet’s response …

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City Council rejects City staff signal recommendation

Milwaukie City Council voted 4-1 to reject the Milwaukie city staff’s recommendation to signalize the intersection at S.E. Johnson Creek Blvd. (JCB) and S.E. 42nd Ave. Milwaukie city staff Wendy Hemmen and Kenny Asher presented …

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