Woo Hoo! Tideman Johnson work party

Please join us this Saturday, May 1, from 9 a.m. to noon for the next to last Tideman Johnson work party of the season. Saturday’s project is very special: killing weeds! Weather forecast for Saturday …

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Tideman Johnson Park work party Apr. 3rd

From Marianne Colgrove, Friends of Tideman Johnson Park: Join us this Saturday, April 3rd in Tideman Johnson 9am – noon refreshments and tools provided meet down by the boardwalk We’ve got a couple of big …

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12th annual Johnson Creek Watershed Wide Event

This Saturday is the 12th annual Johnson Creek Watershed Wide Event! At Tideman Johnson Park we’ll be planting natives (only about 1300 to go) and mulching so they’re all tucked in and ready for their …

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Friends of Tideman Johnson Park Work Party Feb. 6th

Join the Friends of Tideman Johnson Park for the final work party of 2009 on Saturday, February 6, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., at S.E. 37th Avenue and Springwater Corridor Trail. Refreshments and work …

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Christmas Families gifts delivered despite downpour

The Neighborhood Association delivered the presents donated by local residents and businesses  to  two anonymous Ardenwald-Johnson Creek NDA Christmas Adopt-a-Family families over the weekend. Lisa Gunion-Rinker said that both families “were so touched by your …

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Tideman Johnson work party this Saturday

Join the Friends of Tideman Johnson Park for the final work party of 2009 on Saturday, December 5, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., at S.E. 37th Avenue and Springwater Corridor Trail. Refreshments and work …

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Ardenwald Holiday Potluck

The monthly Ardenwald-Johnson Creek Neighborhood Association Holiday Potluck is coming up on Tuesday, December 8, 2009, 6:30 p.m. at the Ardenwald Elementary School (8950 S.E. 36th Ave., Milwaukie) in the cafeteria. Every year the Neighborhood …

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