Carefree Sunday

NOTE: The City of Milwaukie has put the annual Carefree Sunday event on hold for the foreseeable future.

Carefree Sunday is Milwaukie’s event to open up sections of public streets to bicycles and pedestrians. It replaces the former Sunday Parkways partnership. Next Carefree Sunday is Aug. 7, 2022.

The Sunday Parkways is an annual community event to promote a healthy lifestyle of walking and bicycling. In 2016, the City of Milwaukie partnered up with Portland Bureau of Transportation to have a joint route in Southeast Portland and Milwaukie, including through the Ardenwald neighborhood. The same event was offered in 2017.

As announced in the March 2018 The Milwaukie Pilot, City of Milwaukie’s partnership with Portland for the Sunday Parkway “concluded.” No event is planned for 2018.

City of Milwaukie is seeking to create its own open streets event for 2019. More details to come at