Upcoming Neighborhood Events and Meetings

(All times are in Pacific Time)

Upcoming Events

December 21, 20249:30a-12:30pHabitat Enhancement at Errol HeightsErrol Heights Park
December 21, 20244:30p-7:30pWinter Solstice & Christmas Ships ViewingMilwaukie Bay Park
January 11, 20259:30a-12:00pMonthly Cleanup at Minthorn SpringsMinthorn Springs
January 18, 20259:30a-12:30pLand Tending at Errol HeightsErrol Heights Park
January 27, 20256:30p-8:00pMonthly Meeting of AJC Neighborhood AssociationMilwaukie Cafe & Bottle Shop / Zoom
February 1, 20259:30a-12:30pLand Tending at Tideman JohnsonTideman Johnson Park
February 8, 20259:30a-12:00pMonthly Cleanup at Minthorn SpringsMinthorn Springs
February 15, 20259:30a-12:30pLand Tending at Errol HeightsErrol Heights Park
February 24, 20256:30p-8:00pMonthly Meeting of AJC Neighborhood AssociationMilwaukie Cafe & Bottle Shop / Zoom
March 8, 2025TBDGrand Opening of Balfour ParkBalfour Park


For other City of Milwaukie events, please visit www.milwaukieoregon.gov.

For other Southeast Uplift events in City of Portland, please visit www.seuplift.org/.

Note: Dates with “TBA” are events on or near holidays and will most likely be set for a special date.