Milwaukie NDA Friday Update – March 20, 2020

Note: Beginning March 20, 2020, the Ardenwald-Johnson Creek Neighborhood Association will be relaying the City of Milwaukie NDA Friday Update on during the COVID-19 coranavirus pandemic.

From City of Milwaukie:

Hello neighborhood leaders and friends,

The city has transitioned to most people working from home, so I am writing today’s NDA Friday Update from my kitchen table. Since just about everything that I would normally share with you has been canceled or postponed, this edition of the update is primarily to fill you in on the city’s communication efforts related to the Coronavirus.

Please share this information with anyone that you can within your neighborhood to make sure that people know that the city is functioning even though the buildings are mostly closed, and most people are working remotely. The city’s homepage located at is updated daily with the latest information that we have available to share so please check there often if you have any questions about city services.

Thanks for your help with keeping your neighbors informed. Please do what you can to stay safe and healthy!

What is the NDA Friday Update? This update is meant to provide timely information one time per week to community leaders like you who can then share this information with fellow board members and neighbors. The updates are also a good place to share information with other NDA leaders, so please feel free to submit information to include on future Friday Updates. 

1.     Updates on Coronavirus (COVID-19)

2.     April NDA Meetings and Library Programs Canceled – City Will Evaluate May Meetings, Events, And Activities Mid-April

3.     Board of County Commissioners Announces, Ratifies Countywide Moratorium on Commercial and Residential Evictions

Ongoing Friday Update Topics:

4.     Community Development Update – Update to be sent in a future edition of the Friday Update!  

5.     An Ongoing List of Upcoming Events, Meetings and Opportunities – List not included due to cancellations of most events.

1.     Updates on Coronavirus (COVID-19)

You can now learn all about the latest information that the city has with respect to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) from one web page located at The page can be also accessed by visiting the homepage at or by clicking on the scrolling notice at the top on each page of the city website.

This page includes internal city links to:

  • Business Registration, Court, and Utility Billing Services
  • Building, Engineering, and Planning Services
  • A letter to the community from City Council
  • Information about the closure of Ledding Library
  • Covid-19 Impact Resource Services

In addition, you will find links at the bottom of the page to outside resources including:

  • Clackamas County Updates
  • Oregon Health Authority Updates

2.   April NDA Meetings and Library Programs Canceled – City Will Evaluate May Meetings, Events, And Activities Mid-April

I have heard from some of you about April NDA meetings. To be consistent with our message, the city has decided that all NDA and all library events and programs are canceled for the month of April. The City Recorders Office is reaching out to all city boards, committees, and commissions about April meetings as well.  

We will evaluate May meetings and events by mid-April.  

3.    Board of County Commissioners announces, ratifies countywide moratorium on commercial and residential evictions

Clackamas County Commissioners today voted unanimously to support a countywide moratorium on commercial and residential evictions based on a tenant’s ability to pay rent, due to lost income from the impacts of Coronavirus COVID-19.

The announcement can be viewed here.

“This is a tough time. Businesses are being challenged, and renters are being challenged because they can’t go to work,” said Clackamas County Chair Jim Bernard. “We ask that business owners and property owners not evict people.”

Ongoing Friday Update Topics:

4.   Community Development Update – Update to be sent in a future edition of the Friday Update! 

5.   Upcoming Events, Meetings and Other Opportunities

Please refer to the City Calendar for the most up to date and complete list of upcoming City/Library events, meetings, and other opportunities.

Note for reader: This is an informational email that is sent to Milwaukie’s Neighborhood District Association (NDA) leaders and other interested parties each Friday.  The content of this email is prepared by the Community Programs Coordinator at the City of Milwaukie and is meant to inform NDA leaders who can then share this information with their neighborhood.  Some information contained within may not be sponsored or supported by the City of Milwaukie, but may impact the city’s neighborhoods and residents, which is the reason it is included in this update.


Community Engagement Coordinator

o: 503.786.7568

City of Milwaukie

10722 SE Main St • Milwaukie, OR 97222