Upcoming Board Election: Secretary, Asst. Land Use, and Southeast Uplift Rep. Needed

The Ardenwald-Johnson Creek Neighborhood Association is seeking volunteers for secretary, assistant land use representative, and Southeast Uplift representative for the upcoming neighborhood association board elections on Monday, May 22.

Both secretary and Southeast Uplift representative announced in March that they are not renewing their terms at the board election.

Southeast Uplift representative Marianne Colgrove has served the position for 12 years. She also participated in spearheading the Friends of Tideman Johnson Park work parties, which she says she will continue to do.

Bryan Dorr has served as secretary and webmaster for 9 years. He also served on the Johnson Creek Secure Residential Treatment Facility (SRTF) good neighbor subcommittee for eight years, which he is also stepping down from. He plans to continue to volunteer webmaster work for the neighborhood.

The assistant land-use, formerly held by Mark Taylor, was vacated a few months ago when he was nominated as the neighborhood’s Public Safety Advisory Committee representative.

The requirements to serve are you must be at voting age or older and is a member of the Ardenwald-Johnson Creek Neighborhood Association. A member is a resident, property or business owner, a designated representative of a business or non-profit group within the Portland or Milwaukie side of the neighborhood boundary.

If you are interested in serving any these positions, please attend the regular meeting on Monday, May 22, 2017, 6:30 p.m. at Milwaukie Café & Bottle Shop, 9401 SE 32nd Ave.