Meeting Agenda for Monday, September 26, 2016

Here is the meeting agenda for the regular Ardenwald-Johnson Creek Neighborhood Association meeting on Monday, September 26, 2016. The meeting will be held at the new Milwaukie Cafe and Bottle Shop (9401 SE 32nd Ave, Milwaukie, at former Liz’s Creative Cafe location). Please note the cafe is not officially open for business as of yet, however, the owners have generously allowed the NDA to meet at the new cafe on Monday.

  1. Introductions – 6:30
  2. Police Report – 6:35
  3. City Update– 6:45
  4. Portland Commissioner Amanda Fritz Update – 7:00
  5. Additional Items & Public Comments – 7:10
  6. Committee Reports – 7:40
    • Chair
    • Vice-chair
    • Secretary
    • Webmaster
    • Treasurer
    • Land Use
    • Southeast Uplift
    • Transportation
    • Public Safety Advisory Committee
    • Membership
    • Art
    • Balfour Street Park
    • Ardenwald PTO
  7. Approve June 27, 2016 Regular NDA Meeting and July 19, 2016 Special Meeting Minutes –7:55
  8. Adjournment – 8:00

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