Friends of Tideman Johnson this Saturday, Oct. 3

From Marianne Colgrove, Friends of Tideman Johnson Park

Hey all Friends of Tideman Johnson,

Happy Fall (can you believe its fall?)! That means it’s time for Friends of Tideman Johnson to startup again. Woo hoo!

This has been a pretty rough summer for plants, so we’re going to continue our mollycoddling initiative for all the cute little plants we put in last spring. Activities include finishing off that split-rail fence, mulching, and weeding.

If the weeds in my yard are any indication, we’ll have lots of new alien invaders to go after. I’ve attached a pic of a spectacular poke weed specimen (above), found not far down the Springwater Trail.

Saturday October 3, 9am – noon
Tools, refreshments, mulch galore – all provided
meet up at the boardwalk

We hope to see you out there!

Friends of Tideman Johnson