Regular NDA Meeting Agenda for Mon., June 22, 2015

Here is Ardenwald-Johnson Creek Neighborhood Association’s regular meeting agenda for Monday, June 22, 2015. The meeting is at Liz’s Creative Cafe, 9401 SE 32nd Ave., Milwaukie, Oregon. This is the last regular NDA meeting before the summer break. Special, board, and emergency meetings may be called at anytime during the summer break.


  1. Introductions – 6:30
  2. Police Report – 6:35
  3. City Status Report– 6:45
  4. Better Oregon Campaign (Libby Kara) – 7:00
  5. Sustainable Gardens Tour (Russ) – 7:15
  6. Additional Items & Public Comments – 7:30
  7. Committee Reports – 7:40
    1. Chair
    2. Vice-chair
    3. Secretary
    4. Webmaster
    5. Treasurer
    6. Land Use
    7. Southeast Uplift
    8. Transportation
    9. Public Safety Advisory Committee
    10. Membership
    11. Art
    12. Balfour Street Park
    13. Move Forward Milwaukie
  8. Approve May 26, 2015 Regular NDA Meeting Minutes –7:55
  9. Adjournment – 8:00

Download Agenda (PDF)