Turnout and sales good at park fundraiser plant sale

The Balfour Street Park Plant sale to raise funds for the new park’s master plan was a hit!

Lisa Gunion-Rinker, chair of Balfour Park Committee said at the Ardenwald-Johnson Creek Neighborhood meeting on Tuesday the sale was busy and there was a good turnout.

Gunion-Rinker reported Saturday’s sale brought in $1,211.90. All the proceeds from the plant sales goes towards to the cost of the park’s master plan that costs is an estimated $15,000.

There were several plants left over from the sale. Another plant sale is planned for Saturday, June 18, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., but the sale location has not been confirmed.

Photo: Balfour Park Plant Sale. By Bryan Dorr, June 11, 2011.